"There is a place
I remember"

Gush Katif" - the human "story. The story of the establishment and dismantling of the settlement block in Gush Katif

"Gush Katif" – how and why was it established? Enchanted sands and sea that give rise to livelihood, Torah, and dedication.

The stories of the settlers who established a flourishing piece of land, where agriculture, Torah, education and tourism thrived…

"It cannot be… it simply will not happen…" – the inability to believe in the option of inconceivable devastation.

Terror attacks, people murdered, injured, and broken to pieces… and yet their spirit is not broken.

"Behind the scenes" of the family and community stories of the Gush residents…

The shocking story we all must see and experience told by the researcher and creator,

Gush Katif resident and the manager of the Palm Beach hotel on the Gush – Nati Malchi

The lecture of Nati Malchi, researcher, director and creator, accompanied by video clips and archived clips

The lecture


The human stories, personal testimonies and more from the makers of Fascinating Lectures - Nati Malchi - to listen and experience together

"There is a place I remember" - To order lectures and for more information

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